Blog — joints

The Bountiful Benefits of Bone Broth: a Comprehensive Guide

The Bountiful Benefits of Bone Broth: a Comprehensive Guide

Written by Chris Kresser Traditional cooking uses meat bones as a base for delicious stock because it is the secret to cooking great recipes. But it’s also incredibly nutritious and has scores of health benefits. Read on to learn more about bone broth and why you should make it a staple in your diet. The Weston A. Price Foundation and advocates of the Paleo and Primal lifestyles favor bone broth for its wide array of nutrients that are difficult to find in any other food source. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has made bone and meat stock the foundation of the GAPS...

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The Must Have For All Athletes

The Must Have For All Athletes

Summer is fast approaching, and more people are returning to activity and sport. Some are getting back into seasonal competition, others have started training to shed a few of those winter kilo's. Whether you are a weekend warrior, getting fit or a professional athlete, it is important to restore fluids and electrolytes lost through sweat during intense training or activity in the Australian heat! Bone broth is the perfect post workout drink as it contains a good dose of electrolytes in the form of: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. These minerals are easily absorbed by the body in liquid...

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Bone Broth Basics

Bone Broth Basics

Written by Alison Bell Everyone is talking about bone broth. You can find it now in just about any whole food protocol or diet. And clearly given the business I now own, I love bone broth. It is just magical on a cold winter morning, especially when the early symptoms of a cold or flu are coming on. It warms the body from the inside out with pure comfort, and I know there is full nutrition in every mouthful I take. Bone broth is loaded with minerals and vitamins and amino acids making it a king for gut health, joint...

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The Most Nutritious Elixir

The Most Nutritious Elixir

Written by Casey Thaler It's been a long, rewarding day... Your ancient ancestral tribe of hunter-gatherers have just finished a long overdue, fruitful hunt. Everyone in the tribe is hungry and excited. As you look on, they're harvesting every part of the dead animal.   Mouth-watering muscle and organ meats are taken first. Even things that can't be eaten are scavenged to make clothing, weapons and tools later on. Everything is precious. Nothing is wasted. But what about the parts of the animal too tough to chew? What about those that don't work so well for shelter, weapons or clothing? What about the bones,...

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