Blog — leaky gut

Bone Broth and MSG: What You Need to Know Now

Bone Broth and MSG: What You Need to Know Now

Written by Kaayla T. Daniel Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid that is critical for gut, brain and immune health.  It’s also taken by many bodybuilders and other athletes to enhance muscle building and to speed recovery from injuries and overtraining. Despite its many virtues, glutamine has risks. High supplemental doses, as taken by some bodybuilders, have caused dizziness, headaches and neurological problems. But it’s not just people going overboard with supplements who are reacting poorly to glutamine. Many people today, especially autistic children, have problems metabolizing glutamine properly, a problem caused by multiple factors, including vitamin B6 deficiency, lead...

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Understanding the True Cause of Autoimmune Disease

Understanding the True Cause of Autoimmune Disease

Written by Dr Amy Myers.  I want to highlight some of my most helpful articles about autoimmune disease over the next four weeks. My mission is to empower others by providing them the tools I wish I had when conventional medicine failed me during my own struggle with autoimmune disease. That’s why these articles are packed with important information and practical tips to help you get to the root of your health problems and reverse your condition. Follow along as we explore how to optimize your diet, heal your gut, and make lasting lifestyle changes to calm your inflammation and eliminate your symptoms. Plus, I’ll be offering special...

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Top 5 Reasons to Take Probiotics

Top 5 Reasons to Take Probiotics

Written by Alison Bell Probiotics are a critical piece to supporting your overall health, vitality and many of the issues we face today such as autoimmunity and gut dysbiosis. Probiotics are one of the best ways to strengthen the gut when combined with a healthy diet. So what exactly are probiotics? They are bacteria! Living micro-organisms that are used in the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and allergies.[2] They are the good guys living in our gastrointestinal tract fighting the bad bacteria. Over time, antibiotics, medication, poor diet and the western lifestyle will compromise the gut health. One of the benefits of a probiotic is...

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Weighing the Pros and Cons of GMO

Weighing the Pros and Cons of GMO

GMO or a Genetically Modified Organism is an organism that has had its genetics altered to a state that would not occur naturally. Genes are transferred from one organism to another. We genetically modify foods to help grow food crops. They are used to help make plants resistant to pesticides and reduce attacks from pests and disease, meaning we are using a lot less insecticides. There is improved quality and product of the crop. Farmers who have GM crop scan spray harsh chemicals that will kill everything in the area except the GM food crop. This is a huge advantage for under developed...

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