Blog — grassfed

Grass-fed or Grain-fed Cattle - What's the Difference?

Grass-fed or Grain-fed Cattle - What's the Difference?

Which is Better and Why It’s a topic of conversation that can easily escalate into a heated and lengthy debate, particularly when it comes to livestock farmers. If you like to live by the notion of ‘the more natural better’ then you will probably agree that grass fed beef is the way to go. When compared with grain fed beef, grass fed beef; Is leaner Has lower levels of dietary cholesterol Has higher levels of Vitamin A and E – which can help fight heart disease Has Higher levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids Can improve blood sugar through the...

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Bone Broth... Drink It, Eat It, Bathe In It!

Bone Broth... Drink It, Eat It, Bathe In It!

Bathe in it? Really? Well… Personally, no. But it DOES happen. Our Broth of Life family do what we do because we love it. We also genuinely believe in it. To come across a product and make it the centre of your life is a pretty big thing, but for us it wasn’t difficult. The simple truth is that bone broth worked for us. We had a gut feeling (pardon the pun) that this wonderfully healing product could help us help many. And it has. How? You ask… By all means, let me tell you! The There’s a long list...

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5 Things to Look For When Buying Bone Broth

5 Things to Look For When Buying Bone Broth

Food manufacturers have realised consumers are becoming more interested in bone broth as it gains popularity as the next big “superfood”. These manufacturers know as long as you see the words BONE and BROTH on the label you’ll assume the product is good for your health. And most consumers do fall for this trick! But there is a problem. No only do consumers need to know how to read labels on food, there are also the hidden ingredients that are not required to be on labels and questionable processes that may take place. This can make choosing the right broth...

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