Bathe in it? Really? Well… Personally, no. But it DOES happen.
Our Broth of Life family do what we do because we love it. We also genuinely believe in it. To come across a product and make it the centre of your life is a pretty big thing, but for us it wasn’t difficult. The simple truth is that bone broth worked for us. We had a gut feeling (pardon the pun) that this wonderfully healing product could help us help many. And it has. How? You ask… By all means, let me tell you!
There’s a long list of benefits to bone broth that you can really get stuck into by reading some of our other blogs, including Why Bone Broth is AWESOME! Alternatively, here’s a quick overview of bone broth bonuses;
- It’s an awesome detox option
- Can help prevent saggy, wrinkly skin
(AKA that Gandalf/Dumbledore like look we all try to avoid) - Helps growth and strength in fingernails and hair
- Can assist with and relieve joint pain
- Boosts immunity
- Combats stress
- Aids efficient thyroid function
- And is a healer of the gut – the second brain – the part of us that is often the centre of all sickness, disease and health
So, if it’s so good, why doesn’t everybody drink it? Why doesn’t everybody rave about it? Why isn’t it in everything? BEATS ME! The thing is though, talk to people who have experienced bone broth’s benefits and you probably won’t get a word in. Maybe it’s that cooking up bone broth is too time consuming for the busy people of today. Maybe people just don’t want to make diet adjustments… Or maybe, just maybe, they don’t know just how many ways it can actually be used.
Admittedly, having a hot drink on a steaming summer day doesn’t necessarily make you feel refreshed. Sometimes, the tail end of our Queensland winters are even a bit too steamy to grasp a piping hot mug with both sweaty hands. The good news is, there IS good news. Unlike the traditional liquid version of bone broth, Broth of Life’s certified organic dehydrated bone broth can be consumed in a number of ways.
It can of course be consumed as a warm drink (all you have to do is rehydrate 1 teaspoon in 100 ml of boiling water and you’re away). You can even add salt, pepper, turmeric, ginger or lemon to give it an extra immune boosting kick. Part of the beauty of our dehydrated broth though, is in its versatility and camouflage capabilities. If you have kids, you’ll probably know how difficult it can be to get them to eat or drink anything that’s actually good for them. But sprinkle a little bone broth powder onto their food at serving time and not only will it taste amazing, it’ll be a nutrient dense, vitamin and mineral packed culinary extravaganza and they’ll never even know the difference! Likewise, for Mum or Dad, if they’re on the go and only have time to get a dirty pie or a greasy takeaway sausage-roll for lunch, garnish it with some of Broth of Life and VOILA! That greasy takeaway just got a health boost it never knew was coming!
You can approach it as simply as eating it straight off the spoon, but beware, one spoon is often never enough – OR some people have even gone beyond eating or drinking bone broth and dive straight into it, literally. In some parts of Japan, people bathe in bone broth as an alternative way of soaking up its collagen. If you’re thinking of giving it a crack yourself, a word of warning… It might be hard not to drink the deliciously, brown bath water! Yuk… but YUM, right?!
Whichever way you decide to appreciate its goodness, our certified organic, dehydrated bone broth is super convenient. You have bone broth at your fingertips at the twist of a jar lid - and it’s a natural source of minerals that’s easily absorbed by our bodies. Our broth is sourced from organic grass-fed beef and organic free-range chickens, along with local organic produce, so you know what you’re getting. We added the extra comfort for you by not only using certified organic ingredients, but becoming a certified organic product and business. No long names and no numbers in the ingredients and no hidden ingredients that aren’t on the label. It’s all natural and it’s all incredibly good for you.
For more information on our certified organic, dehydrated bone broth, visit our Bunker and get reading today!