Blog — cold & flu
Alison Bell
3 Surefire Ways to Recover From Antibiotic Use
Antibiotics - a bit of a catch Twenty-two So, you’re feeling throaty, chesty, raspy, think you might have an ear infection – or maybe you’re just feeling ‘bleh’ and want to figure out why. Among the many things that send us to the Doctor are viral infections. Most of us, as frustrating as they are, would hope for a viral diagnosis over a bacterial one, as they usually only require rest and there is no need for prescribed medications. Although we try to avoid antibiotic use, it must be said that in circumstances where ones’ health is at serious risk...
Alison Bell
Is It Cold - Or Is It Just Me?
What to do when the Autumn Chill Takes you by Surprise As she leaves us with devastation in her wake, it appears, at least for the Sunshine Coast, that Cyclone Debbie has also prompted a quick, cool change in the weather. Granted, twenty-three degrees Celsius is not the coldest it could be, it is though, a quick and significant change from the ‘30 something’ degree days we’ve been copping for months and months and months and months. It’s often the case that the colder months jump out from the shadows where they’ve been lurking all Summer and take us by...
Alison Bell
Which broth is right for me?
Written by Alison Bell. If someone told you there was a supplement that builds stronger cartilage, healthy skin, improves muscle repair, detoxifies the liver, prevents and reverses autoimmune disease, improves bone health, relieves arthritis pain and fixes a leaky gut, I’m sure you would be purchasing it without hesitation. Well, that product is not a pill nor a medication, it is the age old bone broth. Given there are so many different types of bone broth available, which one should you choose to heal your specific ailments? Chicken, turkey, duck, venison, beef, lamb, fish, prawn…..? While all bone broths will...
Alison Bell
Why Bone Broth is AWESOME!
Written by Alison Bell There is a reason why so many people are swapping out their morning cup of coffee for a mug of rich brown liquid that makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. It's the new magic elixir with so many healing and nutritional properties, everyone should be drinking it on a daily basis. Bone Broth. So why is this beverage so "hot" right now? The slow simmering of bones causes healing compounds like collagen, glycine, glutamine and proline to be released. Bone broth contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and sulphur in forms that easily absorbed...