Blog — autoimmune

How to Own Your Gut Bacteria and Fix Leaky Gut Syndrome

How to Own Your Gut Bacteria and Fix Leaky Gut Syndrome

Written by Bulletproof.  There’s a universe of living organisms in your digestive tract, and the little critters can do a ton for you. The cells in your gut biome can do everything from making you happier to clearing up acne to fixing autoimmune issues – when they’re not trying to control your biology for their own benefit. This post is about how to make your gut bacteria behave so you can reap the many benefits of a balanced gut biome. Up to 100 trillion cells live in your gut microbiome, forming a world that scientists are still working to understand....

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The Most Nutritious Elixir

The Most Nutritious Elixir

Written by Casey Thaler It's been a long, rewarding day... Your ancient ancestral tribe of hunter-gatherers have just finished a long overdue, fruitful hunt. Everyone in the tribe is hungry and excited. As you look on, they're harvesting every part of the dead animal.   Mouth-watering muscle and organ meats are taken first. Even things that can't be eaten are scavenged to make clothing, weapons and tools later on. Everything is precious. Nothing is wasted. But what about the parts of the animal too tough to chew? What about those that don't work so well for shelter, weapons or clothing? What about the bones,...

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Leaky Gut - 4 steps to Fix it!

Leaky Gut - 4 steps to Fix it!

Written by Alison Bell Gut health is something that has been respected in Eastern cultures and medicine for all time. According to Eastern beliefs, it is the house of the spirit and soul. It appears that Western medicine is now catching up with gut health becoming the answer for patients presenting with a list of digestive system disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), coeliac disease, heartburn, constipation, diarrhoea, allergies, food intolerances, boating, gut dysbiosis, autoimmune disorders and the like. Many of these issues can be brought back to gut permeability[1]. So what is this gut permeability, known more...

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