Blog — aromatherapy

Fragrance: The New Second Hand Smoke

Fragrance: The New Second Hand Smoke

Written by Elizabeth Conway Scents are not just a nuisance for people who are averse to them, they can actually cause health problems. As if we needed another reason to stop using fragranced products, a recent analysis foundthat fragrance was the official culprit in a number of  work-related reports of asthma. The study looked at asthma associated with exposure to air fresheners, perfumes, colognes, and other personal care products in the workplace. Interestingly, almost a quarter of cases of fragrance-associated asthma in the workplace occurred in workers who had no previous history of asthma, but developed it as a result of exposure to...

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Smudging: How Burning Sage Actually Kills Bacteria In The Air & So Much More

Smudging: How Burning Sage Actually Kills Bacteria In The Air & So Much More

Written by I strike a match and hold it up to a bundle of dried sage. A flame ignites, and I let it burn for a moment, then blow it out. A cleansing dark blue-to-white ombré of smoke swirls around the room, purifying the space. And I don’t mean that energetically or symbolically. As it turns out, smudging—as the ancient practice of burning sage and other herbs is called—appears to have antiseptic, bacteria-killing properties. The results of a study that set out to examine the potential uses of smudging in Western medicine were published in a 2006 scientific paper titled...

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The Top 7 Essential Oils for Anxiety

The Top 7 Essential Oils for Anxiety

Written by Dr Axe  Essential oils have been around for centuries, dating back as far as Biblical days when Jesus was anointed with frankincense and myrrh upon his birth. They’ve been utilized since ancient times in various cultures, including China, Egypt, India and Southern Europe. Some essential oils have even been applied to the dead as part of the embalming process. We know this because residues have been found in tombs dating over 2,000 years old! Essential oils are also prevalent in aromatherapy, which was advanced by French surgeon Jean Valnet, who learned that essential oils could help treat soldiers during...

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9 Powerful Uses for Frankincense Oil

9 Powerful Uses for Frankincense Oil

Written by   The healing power of essential oils has been known and used since the most ancient of times. This is testified in Egyptian hieroglyphics dating more than 5,000 years ago. They are considered to be the first medicines of mankind and were an important part of the prescriptions of Hippocrates. Essential oils were also used very regularly during biblical times, and they are mentioned frequently throughout the bible. One oil that is referenced often in the bible is frankincense. Frankincense was one of the oils used to make the holy incense of Exodus (Exodus 30:34-36), and it...

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