Blog — depression

What is Sympathetic Dominance & How Can it Affect My Health?

What is Sympathetic Dominance & How Can it Affect My Health?

Written by Jordan Pie, Nutritionist & GAPS Practitioner. Stress can manifest itself in different ways. While our bodies have systems in place to cope with stress, constantly feeling stressed can cause problems. Do you ever: Wake up after a restless night’s sleep feeling groggy and tired? Feel overwhelmed by all the things on your to-do list – school drop-offs, work, grocery shopping – and feel your heart racing? Get home after a hectic day at work, a trip to the gym and the busy supermarket, and fall onto the couch with a glass of wine in one hand and some chocolate...

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The Gut Brain Connection

The Gut Brain Connection

The Truth Behind ‘Gut Feelings’  Sometimes, I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach when something huge is about to take place. It’s happened ever since I was a kid. It can sometimes be caused by dread, by excitement, by nerves, happiness or sadness. For years I thought it was unique to me; this gut feeling. As it turns out, it’s a feeling; a sensation and almost a knowing that all of us have. It all comes down to the existence of a network of neurons (about 100 million) that line our guts and have resulted in the...

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