Blog — additives
Alison Bell
Food Is Medicine
Written by Dr Lucy Burns of Real Life Medicine I recently went down the rabbit hole of food labelling. I did a presentation called The Doctor’s Guide to Reading Nutritional Labels”. Do you know you what? It is frightening to see the products out there. Everyday products that we are eating. Products we feed our families, filled with ingredients that would be more at home in a chemical factory than in our pantries. They have fillers, emulsifiers, synthetic ingredients, industrialised seed oils, additives. These are added to increase the shelf life, make the product cheaper or worse make it addictive. The...
Alison Bell
7 Food Additives that Trigger Leaky Gut
Written by Dr Axe. If you are dedicated and serious about healing leaky gut and autoimmune disease, I need you to know about a recent study that IDs seven food additives that trigger leaky gut, or at the very least contribute to the condition. So what, exactly, is leaky gut? Known in the medical literature for more than a 100 years "intestinal permeability," in my opinion, many modern doctors don't know how to ID and treat leaky gut. That's a shame because it's believed to be at the root of which is at the root of many diseases. Signs and symptoms you have leaky...
Alison Bell
Digestive System Blues
If you are suffering with Irritable Bowl System, Chron’s disease, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhoea.. or both! If you have digestive issues, heartburn, reflux, cramping, bloating, gas… then you are not alone. I hear from people just like you on a daily basis.
Alison Bell
Top 5 Dangers of Maltodextrin
Written by Dr Josh Axe Look over the food labels of many of your packaged foods and you may notice a very common ingredient called maltodextrin. This artificially produced white powder is often used in our everyday foods, like yogurt, sauces and salad dressings, sometimes without us even realizing it. The truth is that maltodextrin can be considered a metabolism death food — it lacks nutritional value, and there are some pretty scary maltodextrin dangers to consider before opening up a bag of chips or baked goods, such as spiking blood sugar. The good news is that there are healthier, more...