Research continues to confirm that gut health is incredibly important to our overall physical and mental wellbeing. The easiest place to start is by incorporating bone broth into your diet daily. Broth is packed full of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and provides gelatin and collagen for cell integrity and healing.
When you cook up a broth, fat naturally rises to the surface of the liquid. Some choose to skim that off and discard it or you could do what we do, keep that nutritionally rich, fatty gold and use it as an amazing cooking fat.
For the purpose of this review, we were lucky enough to trial the Broth of Life Brellow. You can view their full range here.
The details:
Made with 100% organic, grass fed, start to finish livestock, Brellow is the fat from Broth of Life’s organic Beef Broth. By far one of the most nutritious cooking fats you can use for high temperature cooking. Combined with the benefits of bone broth minerals and vitamins and the bone broth fats, you have an incredibly healthy way to fry foods!
- Rich in gelatin, vitamins and minerals
- Organic
- Nutrient dense
- Mild broth flavour
- Gluten free
- Dairy free
- FODMAP friendly
- Organic
- High smoke point
- Fat from organic beef broth
The Review:
Brellow is nutrient dense in the same way that beef broth is, and has a mild broth flavour which does not influence the flavour of your food. It is a versatile product which is a great addition to your kitchen. It is solid at room temperature with a high smoke point making it great not only as your source of cooking fat but also for frying!
We’ve put it to good use to everything from roasting sweet potatoes to sautéing our greens and it did not disappoint. We even substituted the butter for brellow when making our Baked Eggs with Pumpkin and it was a taste sensation.
Brellow will last up to a month when stored at room temperature, but this can be extended to six months when stored in the fridge. Try it for yourself, you can order yours online.
Written by Steph Lowe, The Natural Nutritionist