
8 Health Dangers of Canola Oil: Not the Healthy Oil You’ve Been Led to Believe

8 Health Dangers of Canola Oil: Not the Healthy Oil You’ve Been Led to Believe

Canola oil has practically taken over as the food processing industry’s oil of choice. Whether it’s mayonnaise, chips, or salad dressings, canola oil is usually the first, second or third ingredient on the list. Unfortunately, the health dangers of canola oil are far beyond what we’ve been led to believe.So if there aren’t any actual health reasons to use it, why would it be so widely used throughout the food industry? As with most reasons certain ingredients are used over others – the price. Canola oil is extremely inexpensive to grow and harvest. It is also very easy to grow, due to its...

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What is Sympathetic Dominance & How Can it Affect My Health?

What is Sympathetic Dominance & How Can it Affect My Health?

Written by Jordan Pie, Nutritionist & GAPS Practitioner. Stress can manifest itself in different ways. While our bodies have systems in place to cope with stress, constantly feeling stressed can cause problems. Do you ever: Wake up after a restless night’s sleep feeling groggy and tired? Feel overwhelmed by all the things on your to-do list – school drop-offs, work, grocery shopping – and feel your heart racing? Get home after a hectic day at work, a trip to the gym and the busy supermarket, and fall onto the couch with a glass of wine in one hand and some chocolate...

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Why Probiotics are Beneficial for Gut Health

Why Probiotics are Beneficial for Gut Health

Written by Sherridan Austin. There has been a real buzz about probiotics over the past two decades as people have recognised their importance when it comes to gut health. When we consider that humans are made up of 90% microbes and 10% human cells, it’s clear that we should try to support these microbes as best we can to prevent and treat disease – and probiotics are a good way to do this. How Probiotics Work to Benefit Your Gut The term ‘probiotics’ derives from the Greek language and translates to ‘for life’. (Interestingly, the term ‘antibiotics’ in fact means ‘against...

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10 Hidden Toxic Ingredients Attacking Your Gut Health

10 Hidden Toxic Ingredients Attacking Your Gut Health

Written by MINDD Foundation No matter how healthy your diet or lifestyle may be, there are many toxic ingredients commonly added to foods that attack your gut health.And you should know that many of these toxic ingredients can be hidden in health foods, protein powders, meal replacements, beverages, grooming products, and even household cleaners! So, peek in your cupboards and check those ingredients lists for the following: The Hidden Toxic Ingredients to look out for: Artificial Colors Artificial colors are believed to affect the permeability of the gut and specialize in disturbing gut health as well as brain health. As a result,...

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