Blog — fasting
Alison Bell
Bone Broth and Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern with eating and fasting periods. By substituting cups of bone broth for meals during an intermittent fast, you can reap the advantages of fasting without dealing with the hunger and cravings that make traditional fasting hard. According to ABC News Australia, transitioning from a fed to a fasting state improves health problems in as little as four weeks, including inflammation, arthritic pain, and asthma. It also initiates cellular repair and lengthens life. Making decisions about fasting requires the capacity to seek, comprehend, and use information and resources. "The ability to manage health issues more...
Alison Bell
The Brilliant Benefits of a Bone Broth Fast
Discover the Amazing Ways the Body Benefits from a Bone Broth Fast or Detox Ah, winter! It’s got its good side, hasn’t it? Toasty fires, cosy nights, warming foods and layers of gorgeous fashion. But by the end of it, if we’re honest, most of us are dreaming of warm summer days, aren’t we? With the cold, winter also brings with it a certain laziness and lethargy, a desire for some to eat their weight in mashed potato and beef stew and a general disconnect with the urge to go for an early morning run. In the peak of winter,...
Alison Bell
Get Your Spring Back!
Cleanse with Bone Broth. Spring has definitely sprung. In fact, here in Queensland you’d be considered sane for thinking it’s already Summer… Regardless of temperature, spring inevitably marks the time of year when we’re all in rejuvenation mode. Whether it’s clearing out a wardrobe, your entire house or flushing your body of toxins, spring cleaning is a term well-known to many of us. Winter is done, the snot begins to disappear, coughs fade away… which, in theory, means we should be feeling better.... Yet somehow, we’re not. Somehow the shadow of winter can hang over us for longer than we...