Written by Alison Bell
I am often asked "What is the difference between Bone Broth and Stock"?
The answer is A LOT!
Stock is traditionally made with bones containing a small amount of meat. The bones are often roasted before simmering which greatly improves flavour, but reduces nutrient density. The bones are cooked at a high heat with fast cooking techniques (20 mins to 2 hours). This results in a watered down liquid lacking all the nutrients found in slow cooked broth.
Purchasing soups, canned broth, stock and bouillon cubes from the supermarket can be frought with danger. They are not healthy options, even when labelled as organic as they often contain MSG, artificial flavours and lack all the nutritional benefit of home cooked broth. Be sure to read those ingredient labels carefully.
Bone broth is typically cooked slowly for a minimum of 24 hours to help remove as many minerals and nutrients as possible from the bones, so much so that the bones may crumble when pushed with the fingers after cooking. Some form of natural acid is usually added in the form of vinegar to extract as many minerals as possible from the bones. Bone broth is usually made with pieces of actual muscle meat, tendons and ligaments. That combined with a long cooking time gives it a richer, fuller taste.
Bone broth is prepared in cultures around the world as both a tasty, healthful soup and an easily digested medicinal food. It is an invaluable addition to the diet of young children and all who desire optimal health and can easily become a staple to the diet.
So the BIG difference, apart from bone broth being a catchy alliteration, is the nutrient density and healing abilities found in bone broth.